Thursday, 31 January 2013

MUFON Case 32747

Thursday, January 31, 2013

"UFO Experience as told by Great Grandma"


She was forbade to speak of it:


Wednesday, 30 January 2013

THRESHOLD RADIO with Cassidy O'Connor Nicholas

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013


THRESHOLD RADIO   "...Sponsored by The one and only Chase Kloetzke and her show Project White Paper!" Cassidy O'Connor Nicholas

DEBUTING: Tuesday 11pm - 1am EST

HOSTED BY:  Cassidy O'Connor Nicholas and John Stephenson 

2012 Paradigm Symposium  From Left to Right: Me, Cassidy, and David (my hubby)

Megan Fox in a candid "Esquire" interview

 Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

 In "US Weekly" Issue 938, February 4, 2013 on page 4 I stumbled across an interesting little blurb about Megan believing in Aliens, Loch Ness, Big Foot, and Leprechauns:

Megan's interview with "Esquire" and her belief in ET! 

I think the public is being much too hard on her for what she shared in this article.  That she put herself out there and expressed some of her interests for anyone to read about,  takes a lot of courage and a strong sense of personal character.