Thursday, 7 February 2013


Thursday, FEBRUARY 07, 2013

 What better way to explain who MARY RODWELL is, but through the following documentary put together by her own son, CHRIS RODWELL:

It is a great illustration of the frightening kind of societal close-minded "sheeple"  that, honest, vulnerable researchers encounter as they struggle to bring this obvious, world phenomena to the light of day.  The relationship between MARY and her son CHRIS is endearing, and the transformation they experience heartwarming. 

Which brings me to end this post with an invitation to join, none other than PAOLA LEOPIZZI HARRIS, author of "How Does One Speak To A Ball Of Light" while she interviews wonderful MARY RODWELL, author of "Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life" today at 5pm PST:

Eye Witness Radio

Tuesday, 5 February 2013


TUESDAY, February 05, 2013

The following video narrated by Shane Ryan is another intriguing account of a mass sighting this time taking place at Westall State School in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

"UFO Documentary - Australia (2009) - Westall 1966: A Suburban UFO Mystery (FULL)"

I wonder what ever happened to little Tanya, the girl taken away from The Grange by ambulance?  Interesting that the landing site in the field had not only been cut down, but also purposefully burnt to remove all evidence. 

Finally, I want to leave you with a quote:

"The feelings don't go away, they get buried...and just kinda fester."  SHANE RYAN

Monday, 4 February 2013


Monday, FEBRUARY 04, 2013

Today I spent the day researching "ACERN" (Australia Close Encounter Research Network) started in 1997 by two therapist/councellors; ELIZABETH ROBINSON and MARY RODWELLMany items I read about have been flagged for later research, but I did want to take a minute and share an artist in their "ACERN Art Centre" section under "NEW ITEMS"; JULIAN FINCH.  Sadly, the website where his artwork was located is no longer available.  As a matter of fact, not much is to be found about the artist himself. Below are two samples I found intriguing:

Dream 1 by Julian Finch

Julian Finch & John Mack
Artist Julian Finch with Dr. John Mack taken in 1996 in Sydney 

John Mack by Julian Finch
Dr. John Mack by Julian Finch

Friday, 1 February 2013

GOSFORD 1995/96


This video really caught my attention due to the number of eyewitnesses and their incredible accounts.  Well worth your time to watch:

"UFO Gosford" (youtube video)

Naturally, I had to know more, and soon discovered several articles written on the subject.  Here is one that peaked my interest:


Through the article above I also learned the same authors, MOIRA McGHEE and BRYAN DICKESON, co-wrote a book to help present all the information gathered during their investigation of the Gosford sightings titled "The Gosford Files. Ufos over the NSW Central Coast"
Published in 1996 by INUFOR (Independent Network of UFO Researchers)