Thursday, MAY 2nd, 2013
Question and Answer Period
(These blog entries are built in order to share with you some of what I managed to make note of, while watching the live feed. I've transcribed from notes as accurately as possible, and apologize in advance if I've made any errors. I hope you will enjoy and accept this in the manner that which I give it to you; in a spirit of sharing and kindness.) Claudette Huber
LYNN WOOLSEY, the acting CHAIR for the day, kicked off things with a spirited comment:
"...What a morning!...hardly any way to deny...absolute proof..."
She then asked COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA if he had seen any occupants in the object, and how had he been treated by the government afterwards.
"We could not actually see into the UFO...the 1,800 people that actually negative repercussions...I continued to 1980, when this event happened...installing Soviet materials at that place...we received the order to not talk about this....we had sensitive material...22yrs of silence...They (Press), didn't really know hot to get access to the information..."Her next question was directed to A. J. GEVAERD of BRAZIL, asking about the incident in the Amazons and what the relationship was with the United States Army at that time. This was his answer to both LYNN WOOLSEY and also to CAROLYN KILPATRICK who followed up with a very similar question, but addressed all the witnesses:
"...Over a 1000 people were being attacked...emit a beam of light making them faint and mimic...during this 4 months...OPERATION at night the UFOs...Objects would come more and more boldly where the army was camping...over 500 pictures were made...16hrs of film was made...they take the information back to the United States...for their own purposes...operating in many places in the world...military in many countries, United States is collecting...during many years...US coming down to BRAZIL, taking part in research...recent cases." A. J. GEVAERD
"...When they created the office...they contacted the United States Army..., but there was no by former N.A.S.A. Scientist...very close relationship...collected...usually by the Defense attache'...C.I.A..." ANTONIO HUNEEUS
"No, there is no sharing or exchanging of information." COL. ARIEL SANCHEZ
" open, formal agreement...information is shared with US Agencies...UFO had crashed in Northern Peru...they took helicopters that were not part of Peru...apparently they were American helicopters." DR. ANTHONY CHOY
" open documentation..." ROBERTO PINOTTI
CAROLYN KILPATRICK strongly feels it's an, "...International Issue...ought to be United Nation representation...Will you help?"
A UNANIMOUS "YES" resounded from the witnesses.
She continued, "Our military gets your information...we also work together to do that...or there won't be no more universe, do you understand that?"
MERRIL COOK astutely made an observation that he put forth to COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA:
With a slight crook of a smile COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA replied:"Department of Defense this...referring to your...story?...Are you prohibited to tell us?...Confirm if you can...(he reads from document) 'source has been known to be reputable in all respects'...I mean, this a SMOKING GUN or what?! To try and open up some files in the United States!..."
"In 2007,...same building...invited to a conference...James Fox...they turned this document to me...the only encounter with a UFO was my encounter...this was the event referred to..."MERRILL COOK continued:
"...Really strong YES to my question!...You shot at this!...Are you...a good marksman?...What happened?"
"There were 22 minutes of these was trying to avoid me, I was trying to pursue it...they (30 caliber shell) can destroy a truck, there was 64, a barrage of them, and nothing...I've won awards for marksmanship...I shot these bursts...3 meter by 3 meter target (practice size), in this case was a 10m x10m object!...'how is this doing this?'...super-sonic speed...1.3 achieved 1.2 mach in seconds with no engine..." COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIADR. ANTHONY CHOY interrupted to emphasize the significance of the event COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA sharing:
"...perhaps, so humble...I wanted to share...nothing on Earth that can defend that absorbed all of the rounds...absolutely impossible!..."
MIKE GRAVEL, deeply concerned about A.J. GEVAERD's earlier statement describing " aggressive attack resulting in the loss of life..." asked for more information.
"...during 2 or 3 years, 1976, 1978, least four casualties...attacked...not only people, but animals...this has been described in detail...reported by the military...the attacks stopped...when the military were...the objects that would be hovering, would move to the other area...intelligence...knew what the military were doing in that area..."
MIKE GRAVEL asked all the witnesses how open the gov't and the public are to the UFO topic.
COL. ARIEL SANCHEZ of URUGUAY: "...Press conferences, information is even taken to schools...also shared with CHINA..."
DR. ANTHONY CHOY of PERU: "The Press is the same here as it is in PERU...government doesn't really give importance."
COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA of PERU: "The order was to intercept and destroy, because there is something that is invading our air space."
A few witnesses responded to ROSCOE BARTLETT when he expresses his confusion at how the Air Force makes light of the UFO subject, and yet, what he'd observed from the expert testimony these last few days painted a very different picture.
"...Crash of UFO...a recent 1996...VARGINHA CASE...offered no resistance to it's capture...the next day...US Military Intelligence...US Doctors...follow the procedures...what was being done...because they (beings) one could explain...we know for a fact, at least one of the creatures was taken to United States...and part of that object..." A. J. GEVAERD
"...BOLIVIA...a crash that took place...May of 1978...official released documents...Air Force Officer...PROJECT MOON DUST...recovery of Space Debris...they list Space Debris...and then they say Unidentified Flying a very remote area..." ANTONIO HUNEEUS
"No official exchange with the UNITED STATES...regards of UFO." COL. ARIEL SANCHEZ
"...2 Levels...Public Level...another Level...there is an exchange of information... There are no official documents, but we have received many testimonies." DR. ANTHONY CHOY
"Not aware of any official exchange...any time there is a new event... there is an exchange." COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA
ROSCOE G. BARTLETT decided to throw out a skeptic's possible theory:
"...giant hologram, rather than something physical...arguments for that or against that..."
"Difficult...I saw it from different angles...colors were really solid...a REAL OBJECT." COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA
There seemed to be great interest from the Panel as to how other governments, other press, and other publics, react to the UFO Phenomena. A similar thread of questioning was put forth by acting Chair DARLENE HOOLEY:
"Here, if you believe in Unidentified Objects...there's been such a damper...made fun of...this is REAL!..What is the attitude of your people and your media?ANTONIO HUNEEUS on behalf of CHILE: "It gets covered in mainstream papers...some ridicule...not as bad as UNITED STATES. Scientific Community...very conservative...that is changing. Airline Pilots were very cautious...they're (government) trying to condition them that it's okay...there's official forms..."
COL. ARIEL SANCHEZ of URUGUAY: "...People's attitude and government attitude is very respectful...have reliable and transparent information and they accept that..."
DR. ANTHONY CHOY of PERU: "Believing or's not a matter of belief...I'm SHOCKED how this is addressed in the UNITED STATES...we don't look at this way..."
COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA of PERU: "Starting in the 90's pilots talk very freely of what you've seen and what happened...I am very pleased..."
ALEJANDRO CHIONETTI of ARGENTINA: "...Latin America pilots are so open...What happened, we only have activity South of the border?!..."
COL. OSCAR SANTA-MARIA described in greater detail his own personal observations during his encounter with the UFO, after LYNN WOOLSEY asked if he had felt threatened.
"It was like a peaceful attitude. Never did I feel a threat that is was going to attack me...I had to turn my back when I returned to base!"
There was unanimous consensus amongst the experts about the need for more Scientific Study:
" 1993 we saw two luminous spheres...that measured 30 to 40 centimeters...they left prints...a diminishment of zinc, phosphorous, and magnesium...if this was reminiscent of any other interaction...we don't have anything else to analyze..." COL. ARIEL SANCHEZ
"Serious, formal, Scientific investigations...defied conventional explanations...the only way...escape conventional Scientific 2010 there was a home...a cell phone...disappeared from one house, and appeared in had witnesses!" DR. ANTHONY CHOY
Final question was posed by ROSCOE G. BARTLETT:
"...rate where your military, government to ten...One accepting...Ten is denial."A. J. GAEVAERD of BRAZIL: "Three, two, three...upgrade to a 1."
ANTONIO HUNEEUS representing CHILE: "in terms of; a one!...but the extraterrestrial..maybe a 6, or 7."
COL. ARIEL SANCHEZ of URUGUAY: "...Air Force, I would say zero...even welcome the idea of Extraterrestrial...spiritual groups...accept what we are proposing...there is acceptance..."
DR. ANTHONY CHOY of PERU: "I profoundly LOVE my country...profoundly ADMIRE the American people...very complex!...This has been going on for 13yrs and...there has been minimal response...a ten."
ALEJANDRO CHIONETTI of ARGENTINA: "...the government is investigating the UFOs with political correctness..."
GARY HESELTINE was in the audience during this session.
As you can see there was a lot of great information covered in the morning session. I leave you with an amusing comment MERRILL COOK made during this question and answer period.
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